Some weeks ago my attention was drawn to an interview on BBC. BBC's Jonathan Frewin was interviewing Jason Calacanis, one of the first people to commercialize blogging. I was particularly interested in this interview because of how Jason sold his blogs just after 18months for an amount of $35million.
Jason together with a partner founded Weblog, a network of blogs. The success of this project perhaps should motivate bloggers all over the world (including me) to take blogging more seriously, who knows, something fruitful might come out of it one day. Start a blog today and do well to join the Ghana bloggers association to get more inspiration.
He believes in surrounding himself with eager young people who want to make it big. Jason is currently angel investing in start-ups in the US .
Credit: Picture was taken from technorati.com
I signed up to Ghanablogging.com but was never actually registered. See?
Nice piece Edward. I like it when you write like this...but that's only me.
Thnaks for holding the flag high for blogging and GhanaBlogging in particular!
Allow me to also give a quick reply to Nana Fredua-Agyeman: GhanaBlogging has been flooded with new members and is struggling to keep up! Do by all means fill the Join Us form on the website and then exercise patience, we will add you very soon!
@Nana - As Kajsa said, you will be admitted very soon.
@NY- Learning from you.lol
@Kajsa - Thanks for responding to Nana F
@Nana Fredua-Agyeman, never mind. You may join the "Ghana Bloggers Association" a rival group.....All you need is an "active blog"....That's it....
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