Tiger Woods, Ashley Cole, John Terry, Bill Clinton, David Letterman, what do all these men have in common? Looks like the question about why men cheat has come up again. This year has seen superstars crumble in the media circles because they were not able to keep their wedding vows. A couple of weeks a ago I tried to answer the question about why men cheat? Sex got them into trouble, others were more fortunate than others. Below are the four most unfortunate men so far in 2010.
John Terry
John Terry, England football captain lost his captainship in the national team after it was discovered he had had an affair with his former team mate Wayne Bridge's girl. As if that was not enough, some companies terminated their sponsorship contracts with him.
Ashley Cole
A fellow team mate at Chelsea FC, Ashley Cole is alleged to have been divorced by his wife Cheryl Cole via SMS not too long ago. The split followed an allegations that the singer's husband, had been unfaithful.
The unfortunate Ghanaian polygamist
Locally in Ghana, a man from Obuasi met his untimely death after he lied to his two wives (a polygamist already!!) to spend some time with his mistress in a hotel. Prior to the meeting the man had been advised by his doctor to stay away from sex because of his heart condition. He however ignored this counsel and went in for fun. This caused him his dear life.
Divorce is so easy these days that I just don't understand these men. If you don't want your wives anymore, for whatever reason, divorce them and then move on to the next woman. The fact that they cheat implies that they want to have their cake and eat it as well - very selfish - and in which case they deserve any shame and loss of endorsements that come to them.
@ Anonymous - The implications that come with each divorce case are not too easy to handle. I know for sure that many people, especially remain in broken marriages also because of religious reasons. So I might disagree with you on this one. I personally don't think divorces are that easy
When my favorite car breaks down, I dont junk it. I send it to the shop to have it fixed. Whilst it is in the shop, I use another available car.
This question of "why do men cheat" will continue because we keep ignoring the fundamental issues.
Tiger's wife knew about his libido before they got married. She had her work cut out for her from the start. But obviously, she couldn't keep up. Can't blame him alone. If it was important for her to keep him to herself, she would have sent him to rehab long ago. Not after the bottom has fallen out.
If you know what your partner wants, make sure you give him a lot of it. If you don't, well....
And when the worst happens, the cheater that gets caught isn't the only one that bears the shame. The entire family does.
@ Mike - very nice points raised there. But the comparison between men and cars is something that beats my mind a little. Cars don't really have morales but men do. So I am pretty sure men with high libido can draw a line between good and bad. Even if your wife cant keep up with his demands. After all we don't get all that we want all the time, right?
Dick-of-Auz says... Most women hate sex. They hide their Kitty-Katts away from their men and what do they expect the men to do? Men being men, tend to get enticed by the next woman that smiles back and they're off to the next thing and that's how the cookie crumbles. Most married couples are mismatched; sexually. Most are held together by the off-spring they have produced.So, if a flame sparks outside, men are bound to jump for it, period.Consequences are blindsided for that moment Women should bear some of the responsibility too. They should be available at least more than they are unavailable
hmmm,out of curiosity i clicked on this site to see what goes on here and i find this article very interesting.i think some of the factors that lead men to cheat comes from their partners .not necessarliy because their partners cant sastisfied them sexually.cos SEX is a secondary matter in every relationship.thats what i personally think though.The first need in every relationship is,the man and the woman should be sastified pyscologically and emotionally by the other partner.(care ,understanding ,support,affection,honesty,loyalty,respect etc) and then when Sex becomes a secondary WANT,then it could help the partners from cheating.unless the man or the woman is madly addicted to sex and in that case he should see a therapist before he or she disgrace himslef and his family by cheating. or in the african way prayer really helps in such cases.Divorce is not a good thing especially if there are kids involved ,they suffered most from it and it could affect their entire lives perhaps negatively too.
@ Anonymous - very well said. But I still l think that you have taken your generalization a bit far. There are faithful men all around. Just that we get to hear of the dirty stories of the unfaithful ones more often. I think society loves to hear bad news.
@ Jackie - Its so nice to see you read my blog. I like you suggestion regarding the marital infidelity. I however have very little again divorce even if there are children involved. Staying in a broken relationship is sometimes more harmful to yourself and your children. If not for religious reasons, I personally would have called for termination of all "weak" marriages
well, its true that staying in a broken relationsip is sometimes harmful to yourself and ur children,but as long in religious ways divorce doesnt please God its better to work on ur marriage or relationship first before u take a decision of a divorce or a break up cos i believe every relationship or marriage has it ups and downs and marital infidelity alone cant be a reason for a divorce.if the partner admit his mistake and regret his action and the other partner is ready to forgive then they move on with their relationship.Again i would say divorce affect children most and also suffer most from it ,particularly in Africa where there is no child support or any help from the state to support divocees.Especially,the fathers refuse to take their responsibilties of the children and the state does nothing abt such irresponsible fathers.the women always struggle to bring up these children.These fathers put the life and the future of these children at risk for not caring for them.some of these even remarry and take care of their stepchildren rather than their own.In my point of view irresponsible fathers are worst than cheaters.I would rather lock up these fathers for life in prison.if i had the power.
Dick-of -Auz says... From an adolescent's (male) point of view, being macho and having a horde of ladies fighting over him is the opium. This tends to follow the young man into young adulthood and possibly into marriage. The important thing for the young man to do is to make his choice once and for all after checking the characters he would have dealt with growing up. This, however, is not always the case. If there is the slightest resentment or his advances for sex are not heeded by the wife, the thought of others in the past tend to flood the mental cavity and the wondering eye ensues, if not kept under leash.
nice blog.
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